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Kratom Tea Guide
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Kratom Tea Guide

Published 4th May 2023

By Valerie Orta

Estimated Read Time: 15 min

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By Valerie Orta on May 04, 2023

Tea has a long and fascinating history with deep roots in herbal wellness. So has kratom. Get ready to channel your inner mad scientist and start experimenting with your new favorite kratom tea brew!

Tea is a big deal. It's been around for ages and has always been appreciated for its taste and health benefits. From its origins as a humble herbal remedy to its status as a global beverage phenomenon, tea has come a long way. But have you ever heard of kratom tea?

If you're unfamiliar, kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia that's been used for centuries for its wellness properties. And just like regular tea, people have been brewing it to make a delicious and health-promoting beverage. In fact, making kratom tea has become an obsession for some natural health enthusiasts. They've even developed special blends of tea designed to produce specific effects and help you relax.

So, what's the secret to brewing the perfect cup of kratom tea? Well, it's not exactly rocket science, but there are a few tricks to getting it just right. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know to become a kratom tea brewing master.

What is Kratom Tea?

Kratom tea is one of the ways people traditionally consume it, and it's still super popular today.

In the US, most people use kratom powder to make their tea, but you might feel a little queasy if you just chug the powder straight up. And let's be real; the taste is not exactly a delight for your taste buds.

Also, eating the kratom powder raw skips the sterilization stage that putting the powder in boiling water provides. Therefore, taking kratom tea makes more sense and is a better choice.

Kratom tea makes the consumption of kratom easier and more bearable. And even though the tea still carries a distinct, bitter, earthy flavor, this is much easier to stomach than the raw powder.

Plus, you can add other herbs to the mix to make it even more enjoyable. Adding spices and flavors to your kratom tea can enhance its taste and effects. It's like being your own mad scientist, concocting the perfect brew for your needs.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is an evergreen tree belonging to the coffee family. It is native to Southeast Asia. Traditionally the leaves of the tree have been chewed and brewed for hundreds of years for their potential benefits. The use of kratom leaves dates back thousands of years.

Historically, most people who consumed kratom leaves were in the Thai working class. The chemical components in the tree's leaves have various benefits, including increasing endurance and boosting energy, so laborers primarily consumed them.

Besides its ability to boost energy and endurance, kratom also has immense cultural importance in Southeast Asia. Its applications extended to Buddhist temples. Today kratom is famous beyond the Asian borders for its potential wellness and energizing benefits.

One of the ways kratom is consumed is by making kratom tea, a unique blend of tea that is said to possess immense wellness and productivity benefits.

Types of Kratom and Strain Guide

Kratom comes in four main types, categorized by their color. As kratom leaves mature, the center vein's color changes, indicating a change in alkaloid components.

Immature kratom leaves have white veins that eventually turn green and red when fully mature.

The different kratom strains also get their color from the leaves drying and fermentation process, the time they spend outside, in fermenting bags, or UV light. Like the growth curve, these processes also impact the final alkaloid content and, subsequently, the effects each type of kratom produces.

Yellow kratom

You might have noticed that we only mentioned three colors of kratom but said there are four different types of kratom based on their color. The fourth is yellow kratom, a blend of two or more colored strains.

Yellow kratom goes through a specific fermentation process and varies depending on the strains of kratom used to make this type of kratom. Yellow kratom hasn't been as popular but is gaining traction as more kratom fans look for more customized effects and experiences from kratom products.

Common yellow vein kratom effects include:

  • Alleviating feelings of stress
  • Mood enhancement
  • Support of calm and comfortable state

Some of the typical yellow vein kratom strains are:

  • Yellow Bali
  • Yellow Borneo
  • Yellow Elephant
  • Yellow Horn
  • Yellow Indo
  • Yellow Maeng Da
  • Yellow Malay
  • Yellow Sumatra
  • Yellow Thai
  • Yellow Vietnam

Red Vein Kratom Strain

The red vein kratom category carries various strains depending on where the kratom is grown. It is the most popular kratom category due to its potent effects. Kratom consumers claim red vein kratom effects cut across the board to include natural relief, sleep support, and body-soothing effects from red vein kratom strains.

Studies have shown that 7-hydroxymitragynine, the primary alkaloid in kratom, can be powerful. This makes sense, considering that red vein kratom gets its color from the abundance of the alkaloid.

Although kratom is thought to work by interacting with opioid receptors, it's worth noting that it is not an opioid.

Red vein kratom is best known for the following effects:

  • Supporting better sleep and relaxation
  • Natural relief
  • Reducing feelings of stress
  • Calming and soothing the mind

Red vein kratom strains include:

  • Red Asia
  • Red Borneo
  • Red Dragon
  • Red Horn
  • Red Maeng Da
  • Red Malay
  • Red Sumatra
  • Red Betuangie
  • Red Elephant
  • Red Hulu
  • Red indo
  • Red Jongkong
  • Red kali
  • Red Papua
  • Red Riau
  • Red Bali
  • Red Sunda
  • Red Thai
  • Red Vietnam

White Vein Kratom

White vein kratom strains have a higher mitragynine composition, giving them energizing effects.

Experts say mitragynine also has mood-boosting benefits, and other studies have shown it can be stimulating.

Overall, kratom might help support better mood, focus, and energy. This is where the white vein strains excel.

White vein kratom has a higher alkaloid composition that binds to adrenergic and serotonin receptors.

The Adrenergic system controls the release of the noradrenaline, adrenaline, and serotonin hormones. Serotonin, also known as the happy chemical, helps modulate mood, memory, and cognition.

White vein kratom consumers also credit it with other benefits like:

  • Energy boosting
  • Focus and creativity enhancement
  • Motivation
  • Stamina
  • Mood enhancement

White vein kratom strains include:

  • White Bali
  • White Borneo
  • White Horn
  • White Indo
  • White Maeng Da
  • White Sumatra
  • White Thai
  • White Asia
  • White Dragon
  • White Elephant
  • White Hulu
  • White Kali
  • White Jongkong
  • White Malay
  • White Papua
  • White Riau
  • White Sunda 

Green Vein Kratom

Green vein kratom strains are a middle ground between immature and mature kratom leaves. Their alkaloid profile is not very different.

Green vein kratom is described as having the perfect balance between energized and relaxed effects. It helps you focus and remain calm.

Green vein kratom consumers say it offers a good mix of benefits without being too overwhelming in any one area. Instead, it does a little bit of everything. This balance is perfect for new kratom consumers who haven't figured out their preferences in kratom yet.

However, like other strains, each strain of green vein kratom differs. For example, some can have more sedating effects, while others are more energizing. Therefore, it's vital to get adequate information before settling on any strain of green vein kratom.

The effects of green vein kratom are best summarized as follows:

  • Balanced effects
  • Mood enhancement
  • Natural relief support
  • Relaxing energy

Green vein kratom strains include:

  • Green Bali
  • Green Borneo
  • Green Indo
  • Green Maeng Da
  • Green Malay
  • Green Bentuangie
  • Green Brunei
  • Green Dragon
  • Green Elephant
  • Green Horn
  • Green Hulu
  • Green Jongkong
  • Green Kali
  • Green Papua
  • Green Sumatra
  • Green Sunda
  • Green Thai
  • Green Vietnam
  • Super green Indo
  • Super green Malay
  • Super green Maeng Da

What Kratom Tea Is Good For Me?

Kratom tea isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. But now that you've learned the different strains of kratom and what they offer, you get it: The effects of your kratom tea will vary depending on the type and strain of kratom you take.

Also, the serving of kratom you add to your tea will influence the effects. That's to say, there's no specific type of kratom tea that is best for everyone. Instead, the ideal kratom tea depends on your desired effects and serving.

Generally, lower kratom servings produce energized effects and a cheery mindset. If you take larger kratom servings, the results switch from energizing to calming. Those looking to wind down at the end of the day should go for larger serving sizes.

To help you choose the proper kratom tea for you, here are some factors to consider:

  • White kratom strains like Maeng Da and Borneo are good for an energizing and stimulating jolt. Maybe to replace your morning caffeine?
  • Green varieties like Green Bali are a middle ground between the two ends of kratom effects: Energizing and Calming. They don't have the white strains' intensity or the red strains' drowsiness. They could be good for powering through a busy afternoon.
  • Red strains like Red Bali are perfect for post-workout recovery. They are perfect for consumers looking to relax at the end of the day or after an intense training session.
  • The white strains are a good choice when preparing for a high-intensity training session, while the green varieties are good for yoga and other exercises that require better focus.

Everyone has a unique physiology, so the effects of kratom tea can vary from person to person. Experimenting with different tea blends and serving sizes is essential to find what works best for you.

You might have to try different types of kratom tea to find the perfect one for you. Start with a smaller serving size, and work your way up until you find the ideal kratom tea that suits your needs.

How To Make Kratom Tea From Different Kratom Products?

There are three ways to make kratom tea, depending on the form of kratom you choose. Each method is unique. By following each step cautiously, you can brew a tasty cup of kratom tea while preserving the alkaloids.

Making kratom tea from kratom powder

This is the most common method of making kratom. It is the fastest and easiest. You will need the following:

  • Your selected kratom powder
  • Hot water
  • A cup
  • Stirring stick or a fork
  • Raw honey or your sweetener of choice

When making kratom tea with kratom powder, you need to know your serving size. Take your cup or mug and add hot water. You can fill the cup with water, but the less water, the better.

Next, measure your kratom powder, put it in the water, and stir thoroughly. Add your preferred sweetener, and your cup of kratom tea is ready.

For convenience, you can purchase kratom tea bags. They are more accessible than making your brew and don't leave particles in the tea. They are particularly handy if you want that smooth experience.

Making kratom tea using kratom powder is faster, more convenient, and ideal for daily kratom consumers. However, it tends to have more texture and retain the plant's bitter taste.

How to make kratom tea from loose-leaf kratom

You can also make kratom tea from loose-leaf kratom. The process, in this case, is slightly different. This method is best when making your kratom tea at home.

To make kratom tea from loose-leaf kratom, you will need the following:

  • A mesh strainer or a cheesecloth
  • A medium-sized port
  • 4 cups of water
  • Kratom loose-leafs in your preferred kratom strain

Place the pot on a source of fire, add water, and bring it to a boil. Remove the water from the heat and let it cool slightly. Then, add in your kratom leaves.

Let the leaves sit in the water to steep for about 20 minutes. Then, strain the liquid using a mesh strainer or a cheesecloth.

You can add some lemon, honey, or other sweeteners to help with the bitter taste. Another nifty trick you can use here is to buy refillable tea bags to contain the leaves so you don't have to strain your kratom tea every time.

By making your kratom tea from loose-leaf kratom, you don't have to deal with the gritty plant matter. However, making the tea takes longer, and you have lower chances of measuring an accurate serving. Also, finding loose-leaf kratom might be more complicated than getting kratom powder.

How to make kratom tea from the extract

If you can't stand the bitter taste of kratom tea made from kratom powder or loose kratom leaves, your next best option is to make the tea from kratom extract.

Although not as bitter, the extract still has a potent metallic taste, but they're usually flavored, which makes them a better choice.

All you need to make your kratom tea from kratom extract is:

  • Kratom extract
  • Hot water

Kratom extracts come with a dropper in the packaging, making measuring the ideal extract amount easier.

Start by bringing water to a boil. Set it aside and let it cool down slightly. Add in your desired kratom extract serving and stir thoroughly. You can add a sweetener or other herbs according to your preference.

Kratom tea made from kratom extract has the best taste, is the easiest to make, and requires the least ingredients. However, the effects are short-lived, and kratom extract is more expensive than kratom powder.

Tips For Making the Best Kratom Tea

It's easy to make a cup of kratom tea. But if you want to improve the quality and flavor of the tea, you need a few tips that aren't immediately evident, and some are hidden in science.

Choose the right kratom strain

You can make tea from every type and strain of kratom on the market. But not all deliver the same experience for every person. Take time to find a kratom strain that offers the best effects suited to your needs.

Some strains, like white kratom, are stimulating, while some green strains are best for boosting energy, and the red vein strains are perfect for soothing and calm effects.

A good starting point for the perfect cup of kratom tea is finding a strain that delivers the desired effects.

Don't make the tea too hot

Like other teas, you need to bring the water to a rolling boil when making kratom tea. That's common. But, there's an exception with kratom tea: you should let the water cool down a bit before adding kratom.

This is because the alkaloids in kratom may decompose if exposed to intense heat over a long period, affecting the effectiveness of your kratom tea. Don't use scalding hot water if you want your tea to be potent. Once the water is boiling, let it sit for a while for the temperature to cool down, then add your kratom mixture.

Dip an acid in your active ingredients to preserve them

Besides limiting the heat of the water, you can also preserve the alkaloids in kratom by adding an acidic component to the tea.

A few teaspoons of your favorite flavorful acid, like citric acid, can do the trick. You can also add lime vinegar. These acids will preserve the alkaloids in kratom and add an edge that complements the flavor of your tea.

Select sugar substitutes and flavors that complement each other

When making kratom tea, you can use many options to enhance the flavor and effectiveness of your kratom tea. However, it's easy to get overwhelmed and add random ingredients to your tea, making it hard to drink.

If you're worried about the bitter flavor of kratom tea, especially if you're a first-time consumer, you can mask it using flavorful ingredients.

A standard method people use is to use regular tea bags along with kratom powder. Alternatively, you can add these ingredients to your tea:

  • Powdered sugar
  • Vanilla
  • Peppermint
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey

When is the Best Time to Take Kratom Tea?

The best time to take kratom tea varies according to your reasons for taking kratom tea. For example, if you're taking kratom tea for exercise to enhance performance, you should drink kratom tea 30 minutes before the workout.

If it takes about 20 minutes to brew your kratom tea, you should brew it at least 50-60 minutes before your planned workout. This ensures you leave enough time to start feeling the effects around the time you start working out.

If you're taking kratom for sleep or to help you relax, you should take it about an hour before your bedtime. Then, when you hit the bed, you're already experiencing the results and can fall asleep more easily.

The best time to take kratom tea also depends on your strain. For example, you might struggle if you take an energizing strain before sleeping. The same applies if you take a calming kratom strain before your workout. As a result, you might feel sluggish and tired during the activity.

Therefore, when determining the best time to take kratom tea, you should consider your anticipated effects, the reason for taking kratom, and the kratom strain you're taking. These guiding principles help determine the perfect time to take your kratom tea.

What Does Taking Kratom Tea Feel Like?

If you haven't taken kratom tea and are wondering how it tastes or feels after taking it, this section is for you.

In most cases, the initial effects of kratom tea are similar to when you take coffee. With small servings, most people report feeling energetic and focused after enjoying the tea. On average, the serving for increased concentration is about 2-5 grams. However, it varies from person to person.

The effects will swing in the other direction as the serving size increases. The energizing effects gradually give way to calmness, peace, and relaxation. At about 10 grams, you should feel a strong soothing sensation ideal for easing into the evening after a day of hard work.

Remember that these effects vary depending on your physiology and the composition of the kratom powder you use. They might also vary depending on the batch. Plus, how long kratom lasts varies.

When it comes to kratom tea or kratom coffee, remember that less is more. One way of finding your ideal effect is increasing your intake in small servings over time.

Time to Sip

Kratom tea is a soothing way to experience the benefits of kratom. Making kratom tea is easy; you can customize your brew to suit your needs and preferences. By understanding the different types of kratom, the serving size, and the complementary herbs you can add to your tea, you can create a unique and enjoyable kratom tea experience.

Remember to start with a smaller serving size and gradually increase it until you find the perfect serving. Finally, and most importantly, always purchase your kratom from a reputable brand and ensure you consume it responsibly. Cheers to enjoying the many benefits of kratom tea!